The “Emerging Voices” venture as my passport to Global Health Citizenship

I work at the Institute of public health in Bengaluru. I am health systems research working on various topics related to strengthening health systems...

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Anar Ulikpan

Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist (Health programme), Abt Associates, Australia

I am because EV4GH is, and EV4GH is because we are

I was part of the Emerging Voices for Global Health (EV4GH) 2013 cohort linked to the International Conference of AIDS and Sexually Transmitted infections (ICASA) in Cape Town, South Africa.

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Freddy Eric Kitutu

Lecturer and Health Systems Scholar, Pharmacy Department Acting Dean, School of Health Sciences, Makerere University College of Health Sciences

Your voice never stops emerging.

When I took part in the 2012 EV programme, I was working as a senior advisor to the Minister of Health’s Office of my country, Costa Rica. I remembered that some of my fellow EVs asked me at the time, as a joke: “What are you doing here? You have already emerged, you can talk with the big guys whenever you want!” Fortunately, the joke proved to be wrong.

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Francisco Oviedo

EV 2012, Medical Officer, Ministry of Health of Costa Rica